Phase Cycling with Opencore NMR
1 Aug 2019 minor revision by Kazuyuki Takeda 20 July 2018 Kazuyuki Takeda
- Let me explain the difference between phase modulation and phase cycling.
- For simplicity, suppose a sequence in which we apply a single pulse:
pulse(pw; F1Amp(a), F1Phase(ph1), F1_Gate, F1_Unblank)
- With this, the spectrometer emits a pulse with a width
, amplitudea
, and phaseph1
. In addition, gateF1_Unblank
is activated in this example for power amplifier operation. - Gate
is used to modulate the phase. - That is, phase modulation is used to change the phase of rf pulses.
- Conversely, the idea of phase cycing is to make a shift, in addition to phase modulation, to the rf phase according to the current count of sequence repetition.
- To implement phase cycling with Opencore NMR, we need to declare
in the preample:phaselist pl1=(ch1;x,y,-x,-y);
- Here, we have defined, as an example, a phaselist
acting in channel 1 (ch1) with 4 items (x,y,-x,-y), which are equivalent to (0,90,180,270), respectively. - Then, we are able to use it in the pulse command as follows:
pulse(pw; F1Amp(a), F1Phase(ph1), pl1, F1_Gate, F1_Unblank)
- When we perform repetition of the sequence, the phase of the pulse for the first count of repetition is
(=ph1+0). That for the second time isph1+90
, the third,ph1+180
, and the fourth,ph1+270
. -
When we come to the last item of the phaselist, the next time we will be starting with the first item.
- It is allowed to specify the phaselist alone, i.e., without phase modulation, as follows:
pulse(pw; F1Amp(a), pl1, F1_Gate, F1_Unblank)
appearing in the pulse command is equivalent toF1Phase(0)
. - It would be important to specify the cycled acquisition phase in the preample of the pulse program, as follows:
Phase cycling of 2D NMR with Opencore NMR
2D DARR experiment
// defaultGates.gate is located in the "gates" folder in the application directory.
uses = defaultGates.gate;
transform F1Freq=#+180;
transform F1Amp=2.885
transform F3Freq=#-180;
transform F3Amp=
+ 1.89853477788022*#
- 0.0332935019246977*#*#
+ 0.000440209448828365*pow(#,3)
- 2.95191768378146e-06*pow(#,4)
+ 7.90382924566022e-09*pow(#,5);
//------ PPG Clock frequency
//---------- frequency variable ----------
freq f1=75.782798;
freq f1_offset=0.00471;
freq f3=301.3719;
freq f3_offset=0;
//---------- amplitude variable ----------
double aXScale=1;
amp aX90=50;
amp aXCP=50;
amp aXRamp=0;
double aHScale=0.9551;
amp aHDARR=11;
amp aH90=100;
amp aHCP=60;
amp aHRamp=5;
amp aHDec=100;
//---------- phase variable ----------
phase phDec1=0;
phase phDec2=15;
//----------- time variables ------------
time pw90X=5u;
time t1=0u;
time tMix=5m;
time pw1=2.5u;
time ct=1m;
time pw_tppm=5u;
time rd=5u(receiver delay);
time ad=5u(acquisition delay);
//----- loop variables -----
//----- int variable -----
int nCP=11;
// This is not going to be altered, and thus is declared with "const".
const int AD9858_2GHZ_DISABLE=16472;
//----- aux parameters -----
aux PD=2s(Pulse Delay);
aux NA=16(Number of Accum);
aux DW=10u(DWell time);
aux AL=4096(Acquisition Length);
aux ND=0(Number of Dummy scans);
phaselist plc1=(ch1; -y,x,-y,x);
phaselist plc2=(ch1; x,x,-x,-x);
pulse(50n; F1FreqRST,F2FreqRST,F3FreqRST)
pulse(50n; F1Freq(setup;AD9858_2GHz_DISABLE),
pulse(5000n; F1Freq(f1+f1_offset),F3Freq(f3+f3_offset))
pulse(10u; F1_Unblank, F3_Unblank)
pulse(pw1; F1_Unblank, F3Amp(aHScale*aH90), F3Phase(90), F3_Gate, F3_Unblank)
pulse[nCP](ct; F1Amp( aXScale*(aXCP+(#/nCP-0.5)*aXRamp) ), F1_Gate, F1_Unblank,
F3Amp( aHScale*(aHCP+(#/nCP-0.5)*aHRamp) ), F3Phase(0), F3_Gate, F3_Unblank)
// asynchronous TPPM decouple
// evolution in the indirect (t1) dimension
pulse(t1; F1_Unblank)
// 1H channel is restored to synchronous operation
// Transverse 13C magnetization is flipped to the z axis
pulse(pw90X; plc1, F1Amp(aX90), F1_Gate, F1_Unblank)
// 13C-13C exchange under DARR irradiation.
// 1H nutation frequency should be adjusted to the MAS frequency for rotary resonance recoupling
pulse(tMix-10u; F3Amp(aHDarr), F3_Gate, F3_Unblank)
pulse(10u; F1_Unblank, F3Amp(aHDarr), F3_Gate, F3_Unblank)
// Finally, 13C magnetization is observed under TPPM decoupling
pulse(pw90X; plc2, F1Amp(aX90), F1_Gate, F1_Unblank)
pulse(ad; RG)
pulse(dw*al; ST, RG)
pulse(pw_tppm; F3Amp(aHScale*aHDec), F3Phase(phDec1), F3_Gate, F3_Unblank)
pulse(pw_tppm; F3Amp(aHScale*aHDec), F3Phase(phDec2), F3_Gate, F3_Unblank)